Upcoming events

I asked Super G to see if we could have a PO-NYC calendar of events and he said that it would be pretty doable. Until then, Here's a snapshot of some of the local NYC events that people might be interested in:

The Colder Side of Global Warming
Tonight Thursday September 15, 6:45pm
Talk by Thomas Wysmuller
Location: Friends Meeting House, 15 Rutherfod Place - 15th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues.

Tour of Green Apartment Construction
Saturday Oct. 1st 10am, noon, 2pm
Location: 228 East 3rd Street Between Ave B & C
The newly constructed building will be constructed for the same cost as normal buildings and will use less than 15% of a normal building for heat and hot water, 50% less electricity.

Petrocollapse conference
October 5th, 9am-5pm
Community Church of New York Unitarian Universalist.
40 E. 35th Street, New York, NY 10016
Speakers include James Howard Kunstler, John Darnell, Ph.D., David Pimentel, Ph.D., Michael Ruppert, Albert Bates, David Room, Pincas Jawetz, Jason Meggs, Jenna Orkin, and Jan Lundberg.
Contact the conference moderator for more information.
Moderator: Jenna Orkin at email jennakilt@aol.com phone (215) 243-3144